
Thursday, November 6, 2014


Right after last year's (2013) Halloween, Ive been keeping an eye on what my Halloween costume's gonna be this 2014. So when I saw the Animated movie trailer of THE BOOK of LIFE, I knew right away that it's gonna be my next Halloween costume. Ever since i saw that movie trailer, Ive been thinking at the back of my mind how am I gonna do it, coz the Manolo character there looks too boxy. To give you a better idea,... and in case you have seen the movie until now, here's Manolo, the inspiration of this Halloween costume.

So, up to the last minute I didnt know how to do it...whether I should use boxes and construct the upper body from that, which is gonna be time consuming, given the fact that 2 days after is Halloween already. So i opted to using real clothes, only problem is Manolo's outfit is too intricate, and sewing all those details will take me forever. hahaha. So being the boy scout that I am, I thought of using Gold Tape, hoping there are such available tapes out there. Luckily, DUCT TAPE, has been making a lot of different colors and designs lately, so I manage to find 2 rolls of Gold duct tape.

Check out the DYI costume I did using duct tape for the details, taped unto my normal Blazer, Vest, and pants.

HYPE this look on

I thrifted the Mariachi Hat at a local vintage shop here, so I decided to wear it with this costume too, since they go together well.



Gold Details DYI details by DUCT TAPE
Vest (with DYI details) by H&M
Blazer (with DYI details)  by URBAN PLANET
Jeans (with DYI details) by H&M
Thrifted Mariachi hat by BLACK MARKET (Toronto)


I love costume parties, that's why i love Halloween. At this time of the year, always hosts a contest called the Spookbook... And for the 2nd year straight, this contest is being sponsored by BLACKMILK CLOTHING.This is gonna be my 3rd time joining this contest. Last year, I was on of the runners-up where in I dressed up as KARL LAGERFELD. Check it out  my last year's entry <HERE>  and the Lookbook's Spookbook 2013 winners <here>

This year, I created two Halloween looks. In this look, I wanted to dress formal with a spooky vibe, so i just DIY-ed my Tie from a rope to make it look like a suicide rope. I asked my friend to go with me at the nearest cemetery to shoot this look to add more drama. 'Had to make real quick though, we dont want to disturb or disrespect the dead.

HYPE this look on